Hosted by Marlene Bush and Madame Samm this hop is showcasing some really amazing creativity! I wasn't quite sure how to approach it. A bit nervous at my first ever blog hop, and having never tackled the techniques in Amy Bradley's adorable and well-written pattern, I pretty much stuck to it.
Minor changes, like the always-there gray roots, a bit longer hair, an attempt at nautical fabrics (the dress is actually from one of the Captain's cast-off shirts), and a nod to my cute little dog Elvis is about as far as I went. I don't have quite the middle depicted here but wasn't certain of my ability to made that modification (in fabric or in real life - ha!), and it may have made more sense to put a glass of wine in that left hand!
Now, go look at the really creative work that has been done out there! And, be sure to check out the top three of the day at Sew We Quilt -- there's a really great drawing if you comment on everyone's blog!
Monday, February 25
NautiStitcher (you're here)
Tuesday, February 26
Wednesday, February 27
Thursday, February 28
Madame Samm
And, you should definitely go back and look at the creativity of the bloggers who have gone before today! Here they are:
And, you should definitely go back and look at the creativity of the bloggers who have gone before today! Here they are:
from last Tuesday, February 19
from Wednesday, February 20
from Thursday, February 21
from Friday, February 22